Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference and Why Are They So Important?
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As an adult, you’ve probably heard of probiotics and how essential they are to your gut health. But, did you know, they are just as beneficial for babies as they are for adults? Or that their cousin, prebiotics, also offers many health benefits?
To make sure you’re armed with all the info you need, we’re breaking down the difference between pro and pre and sharing how they play a crucial role in the health of us adults, and our little ones as well.
Probiotics and prebiotics are two wellness buzzwords that seem to be trending. But if you’re totally lost on what either do or what the heck the difference is, today’s your lucky day! We’re here to explain (because both are very, very cool for the human body).
Baby Probiotics
Let’s start with probiotics. Simply put, probiotics are microorganisms that support good bacteria in your gut. They helps keep your digestive system running at peak performance, if you know what I mean, among many other benefits. Just like probiotics help adults, there are also specific probiotics for babies that can alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal issues and colic. Cool, right?
Baby Prebiotics
As for prebiotics, these guys induce the growth of the good bacteria mentioned above. Think of prebiotics as the food that feeds probiotics. Both remain very important pieces of the gut health/digestive tract puzzle because of their reliance on one another, so taking a supplement on a daily basis can help keep your body (or your baby’s body) on track.
Health benefits
Gut health has a huge impact on our entire body. In fact, research has now shown over 70% of your immune system is located in your gut. Giving your baby a probiotic supplement like our Organic Liquid Probiotic, can not only help with fussy, colicky babies, but can also help provide beneficial bacteria needed to promote healthy immune and digestive function.
In the long term, developing a consistent probiotics regimen can set your child on the right track to a healthy gut. Poor gut health early on can potentially lead to things like allergies, eczema, asthma and other autoimmune issues. Getting your kids started ASAP can really only benefit them, so there’s no reason to wait.
How to give supplements to your baby
One of the questions on your mind might be, “But how do I give my baby a probiotic supplement?” Probiotics come in many different strains and forms. For babies, something like our Organic Probiotic Drops or Organic Liquid Probiotic are the best choice.
Are you hooked on pre/probiotics yet? The benefits for your little one really are wonderful!