Gripe Water & Breastfeeding: Your Common Questions Answered

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Gripe Water & Breastfeeding: Your Common Questions Answered

Gripe water is an herbal remedy to ease gas and upset infant stomachs. Two primary ingredients are fennel and ginger, both known for soothing digestive issues.

Gripe water is a centuries-old remedy. While it has evolved, it remains a holistic option for treating common baby indigestion.

As a new parent, you likely have questions about the remedy and probably want to know if it is safe for your little one. Experts explain gripe water is safe but stress the importance of learning more and asking the right questions.

Is Gripe Water Safe To Use While Breastfeeding?

While giving your baby gripe water is safe, you may give your newborn Wellements Organic Gripe Water but wait until your baby is one month + before giving them Wellements Nighttime Gripe Water.

After six months, you can supplement feedings with an appropriate amount of gripe water. The correct dosage for your child's age should be on the label of the organic gripe water product. Typically, parents give their child gripe water after feedings to help settle gas.


Do I Give Gripe Water to My Baby Before or After Feeding?

Most gripe water producers recommend giving your baby gripe water 30 minutes after feedings, allowing time for digestion. However, your baby might experience gas before or after a meal. Some children experience stomach aches or gastric distress during a meal. Therefore, the right time to give gripe water depends on your little one.

Gripe water is most effective after feeding for most babies because they eat too quickly or gulp in the air with their food. Still, if your baby tends to get fussy during a meal, giving a serving of the supplement to avoid any issues might be best.

How Do I Give My Baby Gripe Water?

Your baby does not require a lot of gripe water. You will want to check the label and instructions for age and dosage suggestions.

Administering gripe water is easy with the right tools. You can use either a dropper or an empty bottle to give your baby the correct amount of the supplement. A dropper is usually easier to manage and doesn't risk your little sucking in a lot of air.



Can You Mix Gripe Water With Formula?

Hypothetically, you can mix gripe water with formula, but doing so will dilute the supplement. The remedy is a mild supplement and is best administered alone.

Many parents want to mix the gripe water with formula or breast milk because they are worried their child will not take the supplement by itself. Gripe water tastes sweet, often motivating babies to take a dose easily.

The amount your baby takes is minimal. Most parents have no issue giving their little one the correct amount. Also, remember that gripe water is best administered after feeding, not during.

Can I Use Gripe Water With Baby Gas Relief Drops?

According to several manufacturers, giving your little one gripe water and gas relief drops simultaneously is entirely safe. While gripe water will help soothe your little one's system, the gas relief drops will help break the gas bubbles down.

Gripe water is a helpful remedy for treating upset stomachs and gassiness in babies. However, before you give your child any dietary supplement, talk to their pediatrician. While gripe water is safe, you want to ensure it will be effective with your baby.

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