Baby Shower Registry Etiquette: What Every Guest Should Know

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Baby Shower Registry Etiquette: What Every Guest Should Know

Your friend is having a baby shower. It is the first shower you have been invited to. What do you do? How do you act? So many questions are running through your head, and you are starting to panic. Take a deep breath and relax because Wellements is here to help.

What To Do When You Get an Invitation

Baby shower invitations will have, at a minimum, two vital pieces of information: the invitee and the RSVP date. After you receive an invitation, look over these details carefully and do not make assumptions. While you might invite friends' significant others and children to your baby shower, you are not the host of this event. The invite should state who can come to the party; for example, the card might say "you and a guest" or "all children are welcome."

Next, the RSVP date is not optional. Many people and party planners include these dates because they need a head count for the hosting venue. It is best to respond to invitations as soon as possible but no later than the RSVP deadline. Also, try to avoid making changes after the deadline passes.


Tips on Buying a Gift From the Registry

A gift is necessary if you are going to the baby shower, but there is no expected price limit. Also, if you want to avoid buying a gift, you can go in on a group purchase.

When looking over the registry, try to find something more practical than fun or unique; new parents will often fill the registry with things they think they might need instead of essential things, like crib sheets, burp rags, baby nail clippers, etc. Also, many guests will opt for more unique items before buying the essentials. New parents will appreciate necessities over luxuries.

Gift Ideas That Won't Be on the Registry

You are not bound to the gift registry. Too many baby shower guests believe they cannot buy something special for the new bundle of joy or the mother because it is not on the official registry, but that is not true.

There is no unwritten or written rule stating that only registry gifts are acceptable. If you know the mother-to-be well and have an idea for something useful or unique that she or her future little one will enjoy, buy it. A baby shower is an event to show your support and love for the future family. Some items you might consider that might not be on the registry include:


What You Should Talk About at the Shower

Baby shower conversation should be lighthearted and encouraging. You want to help the mom-to-be feel confident and capable. Avoid conversations about how big her pregnancy belly is or saying things like, "you look like you're about to pop."

Also, do not discuss breastfeeding at the event. Many parents find breastfeeding to be a controversial and sensitive topic.

You also want to avoid giving parenting advice unless the host directly asks you for it. The party is a time for celebration, excitement, and encouragement.

Encouraging & Inspiring the Mom To Be

The best way to encourage and inspire a mom-to-be is to show support. There are many different ways to show your support, including:

  • Signing up for a meal train
  • Offer to babysit
  • Listen to the new parents
  • Take the initiative to help

Baby showers are an opportunity to show your support and love to a mom-to-be. You do not need to overcomplicate the process. All you need to do is appreciate the invitation instructions, be respectful, and show your support.

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