Having a child is a life-altering experience, usually for the better, but pregnancy does require a lot of preparation for the arrival of your little one. While nine months might sound like a long time, it will fly by quicker than you think. You might not need to start planning the nursery or several other things immediately, but you will need to begin adjusting your schedule for your child. Pregnancy is the first step toward your new reality and the family mindset.
What To Do After Finding Out You Are Pregnant
When a couple finds out they are pregnant, they need to call the OBGYN. Additionally, you will need to schedule your first visit and determine the visit frequency during pregnancy.
Many new parents can become overwhelmed with the prospect of scheduling, but your OB should help you figure everything out. There is no reason to panic in these early stages of pregnancy. The best thing you can do as expecting parents is to relax and heed the advice of your doctors.
What To Do During Your 1st Trimester
The first trimester includes weeks one through 12. During this time, the pregnancy is considered vulnerable. It is during this time the fetus’s body systems and major organs are developing. As a mother, your primary job during this early phase is to follow health guidelines — avoid tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, herbal teas, some seafood, deli meat, hot tubs, saunas, etc. Additionally, you will need to talk to your doctor about medications and supplements.
As parents, it won’t hurt to look for pregnancy resources and educational materials. From books to groups, there are numerous ways for expecting parents to prepare for their future baby and its delivery.
What To Do During Your 2nd Trimester
The second trimester occurs from weeks 13 through 26. Once you reach this stage of the pregnancy, you can begin telling people about the baby. The second trimester represents lower risks, and it is also the time when women start showing.
During these weeks, you should also begin researching the items you will need when the baby arrives. Some of the things you will want to purchase include:
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Clothing
- Car seat
- Crib
- Baby monitor
Additionally, as strange as it might sound, you should start researching daycare facilities. Many daycares, especially ones with sterling reputations, will have waiting lists, some of which can be months long.
What To Do During Your 3rd Trimester
The third trimester, weeks 27 to birth, is the time to prepare a birth plan and find a pediatrician. Your birth plan should include the hospital you will deliver in, so you can get paperwork and insurance issues taken care of beforehand.
When it comes to a pediatrician, you want to have time to interview and research several potential candidates. You will enter a likely long-term professional relationship with the doctor as most children will see the same doctor until they are between 18 and 21.
In the final stretch of the pregnancy, you will want to prepare your hospital bags and plan for other necessities, such as pet care. You might also consider freezing some meals to make the initial few days back home easier.
Important Considerations Before Bringing Your Baby Home
As you prepare for your newborn, there are several things to consider, including health and life insurance, a will, employer benefits, and other essentials. As parents, you will also want to discuss parenting styles, nutritional expectations, and other health and wellness obligations.
Bringing a child into the world is life-altering, and it can be overwhelming for new parents. Wellements is always there to offer additional nutritional support and guidance as a certified-organic brand of supplements and remedies specifically for little ones.